
Update 1

Assalamu alaikum,

We hope you enjoy reading about the wonderful things we have done in the last half term insha Allah!


ECDL Exams:

Alhamdulillah, our Year 11 students achieved outstanding results in their ECDL exams. Overall 70% of students were awarded a Distinction* (the highest grade). The remaining 30% achieved a Distinction.

We ask Allah Ta’ala to give the students the ability to replicate this success in their remaining exams.



The Harkness project is our competition that promotes academic oracy. Students are given a topic to research and deliver a short presentation on. They are judged on their ability to convey a convincing argument in a formal and professional manner. The topic for the last half term was “Should cannabis be legalised?”. The winners from each class were:

Year 7:

1st: Bilal

2nd: Redwan

Year 8:

1st: Abdul Muhaimin

2nd: Kausar

Year 9:

1st: Anas

2nd: Maruf

Year 10:

1st: Abdul Wahid

2nd: Abdus Somi



Each term, the school organizes a debate between different year groups. This is done to develop our students’ confidence as well as their research and presentation skills. Last half term, Year 10 and Year 9 debated the topic: This House believes that cannabis should be legalised. Year 10, who argued for the motion, were the eventual winners of the debate.




The Madrasah has launched a House System in the last half term to reward behaviour. Students were split into four houses (Salah, Saum, Hajj & Zakat). Students gained house points if they displayed good behaviour and lost house points if they were given detentions. It was a very close run competition but the eventual House Champions were Hajj House. Their reward was a big pizza party on the last day of the term!



We are sure that many of you are aware that the madrasah is on a number of social media platforms. Our addresses are as below:

Twitter: @Darul_Hadis

Instagram: darul_hadis_latifiah

Facebook: darulhadislatifiah

Please follow, like and share!

Alhamdulillah, we had a busy and productive last half term and we look forward to letting you know about everything we are doing this half term.