Home Work
The school strongly believes that homework is a vital part of the process of learning. This is because it enables the students to build upon the concepts and skills taught in class in an independent framework as well as helps strengthen researching skills. Homework also strengthens the relationship between student, parents and the school. Homework is given regularly in accordance to the homework timetable, and all students are given a homework diary at the beginning of the year to help them organise their tasks and responsibilities. Regular feedback is given for homework. Rewards, extra support or sanctions are given as required.
Parents Contract
At Darul Hadis Latifiah, we strongly believe that parents have a fundamental role to play in helping their child learn. The school strives to keep parents informed and involved in regards to their children by:
- Holding biannual parents’ evenings where all teachers are present and available to discuss the progress of the students as well as to discuss the teaching strategies being employed in order to empower students to achieve their full potential.
- Arranging individual meetings with specific teachers or form tutors to discuss any relevant matters.
- Sending letters or postcards to parents with notification of good academic performance or good behaviour.
- Notifying parents of any serious misbehaviour.
We also believe that parents have a responsibility to support their children and the school in implementing school policies. Therefore, we ask all parents to:
- Ensure their child has the best attendance record possible.
- Ensure their child comes to school well equipped for class, as well as with the correct uniform and PE kit;
- Make the school aware of external matters that may affect the student’s academic performance or behaviour.
- Have a positive attitude towards education and learning, as well as towards the school.
- Fulfil the requirements set out in the home/school agreement.