

The school also has a strong working relationship with the Tower Hamlets Healthy Lives Team and they help the school with the delivery and audit of the school’s PSHCE provision. Through our general routines, in and out of the classroom, and the way in which individuals relate to each other, children are encouraged to form their own attitudes and values to reflect the school ethos. By building positive working relationships between children and staff, all members of our school family are valued as individuals. They learn to see the need for good manners, self-discipline and appropriate behaviour in whatever situation they find themselves in. Darul Hadis Latifiah School provides opportunities for parents, the community and outside agencies to contribute to the personal and social development of its children through their active involvement in the life and philosophy of the school.

Darul Hadis Latifiah

Career Education and Guidance

We believe that Careers guidance is critical to ensuring that all our students are fully ready for the world of work. We are working towards achieving the Gatsby benchmarks.

To promote careers education, we will implement the following methods:
• All KS3 & KS4 students will cover the cross – curricular themes on world of work
• Outside speakers from different fields of work
• Support with personal statements
• Job fairs
• Enterprise Week
• Charity week
• All KS4 students will go on work experience
• Careers interviews
• PSHCE classes looking at careers
• Local Authority careers advice
• University visits
• Employer visits

In KS5, all students will have access to the following:
• UCAS support program
• Seminars on different types of professions
• Internships when possible
• Assemblies
• Enterprise education through the Btec business program of study
• Signposting to appropriate organizations
• University visits
• Employer visits
• Local Authority careers advice
• Careers interview
• Charity Week

For full details of the careers plan please refer to the PSHCE cross-curricular grid.

Improves retention



of our students successfully graduate and begin their career development.

Monitoring & Evaluation

The PHSCE coordinator will review the PHSCE program once a term to assess the effectiveness of its delivery. The designated governor for PSHCE will meet with the PSHCE coordinator and interview students to assess effectiveness of the school’s PSHCE provision. The Principal will have ultimate oversight over the school’s PSHCE provision.

Darul Hadis Latifiah is one of the oldest Islamic institutes in the UK, serving the community for more than 40 years.

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