Admissions Process
We are currently accepting applications for Year 7 through to AS for the 2022/23 academic year.
For further information, please see the Application Form and the Admissions Policy.
- Admission is open to all Muslim boys
- The academic year commences from September every year
Attendance and Punctuality
The school takes the issues of attendance and punctuality extremely seriously. Students are encouraged to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality and the school has a system of rewards for such achievement. The school works with parents to address the issue of unnecessary absences and has a sanctions system to discourage persistent latecomers
- Plain white Jubbah (thoub) with a collar, and without embroidery – must be above the ankles. No other colour is permitted.
- Royal blue blazer with school logo – students must come into school wearing the blazer, and it must be worn at all times during school hours. No other colour is permitted.
- White hat – Hats will remain white, no other colour is permitted. We recommend the flat round hats (skull caps).
- Black trousers – There is no change to the trousers. Trousers that are not black, denim and tracksuits are not permitted.
- Black shoes – There is no change to school shoes. They must be black and must not have laces. Trainers and all other types of shoes are not permitted.
Unacceptable Dress:
- Trainers (except for PE)
- Denim or leather clothing
- Uneven haircut
- Anything other than the school uniform
PE Kit:
- Black tracksuit bottoms
- Plain white t-shirt (without logos)
- Trainers
Tuition Fees
Tuition fees are £3500 per year for Years 7-11. Details of the Alimi Course can be found on the Alimi Course page. The payment can be made as follows:
- One off payment at the beginning of the academic year (September). This method qualifies for a 5% discount.
- By three instalments at the beginning of each term (September; January and April)
- Standing Order (ten instalments)
Other costs:
- Admission fee: £200 (non-refundable)
- Deposit money: £100 (refundable)
- Books, Examination fee, etc.