
School Uniform

Students are expected to attend school in full uniform and must remain in uniform throughout the school day. The school uniform is as follows:

SECONDARY: Years 7 – 11

• Plain white Jubbah (thoub) with a collar, and without embroidery – must be above the ankles. No other colour is permitted.
• Royal blue blazer with school logo – students must come into school wearing the blazer, and it must be worn at all times during school hours. No other colour is permitted.
• White hat – no other colour is permitted. We recommend the flat round hats (skull caps).
• Black trousers – Trousers that are not black, denim and tracksuits are not permitted.
• Black shoes – They must be black and must not have laces. Trainers and all other types of shoes are not permitted.



• White jubbah
• White hat


Unacceptable Dress:

• Trainers (except for PE)
• Denim or leather clothing
• Uneven haircut
• Anything other than the school uniform

PE Kit:

• Black tracksuit bottoms
• Plain white t-shirt (without logos)
• Trainers

Darul Hadis Latifiah is one of the oldest Islamic institutes in the UK, serving the community for more than 40 years.

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